DenLin Associates - Clients DenLin Associates, Inc.
1993 - 2003: Assisted State Street's Corporate Trust division with the succession of trust and agency appointments through several acquisitions; developed a New Business Acceptance Tool and Sales Tracking Database as well as many other specialized office solutions using MS Office applications and Visual Basic for Applications.

DenLin maintained a steady presence in State Street's Corporate Trust Division from September 1995 through March, 2003 and remained with the division for another year after it was sold to US Bank.

2003 - 2004: Managed and completed the Corporate Trust Succession Project following the acquisition of State Street's Corporate Trust Division.

Project included the review of trust documents; preparation, mailing and tracking of tri-partite agreements; Preparation, mailing and tracking of Letter of Credit transfer requests and the physical custody of Letters of Credit through completion of the project.

1998 - 2001: Assisted on several levels with Fleet's Millenium Project including assistance with the development of a Vendor Management and Reporting tool and the development of an internal web-based magagement reporting tool to be used on the company's intranet.

Other projects included the development of specialized database tools and graphical user interfaces and forms to be used in web-based training on the company's intranet site.

1988 - 1998: Dennis Brennan, DenLin's founder and President began his consulting career at the Bank of Boston in 1988. The relationship with BankBoston continued through the establishment of DenLin Associates and the bank's acquisition by Fleet.

Countless projects covered many departments and areas of expertise. DenLin developed and documented the policies and procedures for Corporate Trust (both Administration and Operations), Vault Administration, Loan Review, Retail Banking, Corporate Finance, and Global Banking.

DenLin provided reconcilement and reconstruction of trust accounts as well as charting of trust account flow of funds in complex financing transactions.

Training programs developed by DenLin included Leveraged Lease Financing, General Ledger Operations, and Retail Banking.

DenLin also assisted in several corporate level projects working with senior management to improve business processes and internal controls.

1998 - 2001: Various reconcilement projects in the areas of Reorganization and Corporate Actions as well as Stock Options. Reconcilement and reconstructions covered both cash and stock accounts as well as related DDAs.